blade runner

blade runner

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Videos Videos everywhere...

OK. I'm taking a stand. No youtube videos on librarygeektothestars! Why? Because this world is saturated with videos. Did you see the movie Blade Runner? Harrison Ford is running around a future Los Angeles and everywhere you look you see giant video screens* with ads and information for the pedestrians on the street. You can't escape them. You go to get some Chinese Take-out and what do you see? A big television. Go to any restaurant and instead of having a nice chat with your dinner companion you end up getting drawn into what's up on their 50" plasma. Give us a break. Soon when we're born they'll just implant the virtual screen chip in our brains and we'll be set for life. Sheesh.

* disclaimer - I just bought a 42 inch plasma tv and it rocks!

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my first laptop, what can I say, it was a bargain on EBAY.