blade runner

blade runner

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tech questions answered

Dear library geek,
Should I buy a laptop or a desktop? I rarely travel, and when I do I usually like to travel light. Am I better off buying a laptop as my main computer or should I stick with the tried and true desktop I'm used to? Thanks for all your insights in advance.
Confused in LA

Dear Confused in LA,
There has been much talk lately about the declining price of laptops. Many analysts feel that today with the tech specs of laptops being pretty close to desktops, there's no reason to buy a desktop anymore. Well, I beg to differ. My experience has been that though a laptop is great for toting around, it can't match what I call the comfort level; namely the screen and keyboard is much easier on the eyes and fingers. In other words, you're less likely to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome from constant use. Nuff said.

1 comment:

Hiray said...

I'd like to add that although laptops are easy to carry around-they burn out more quickly than desktops (literally, cause they just get too hot). -but laptops do make you look cool in Starbucks so the cool factor sometimes has to play into a purchase decision unless you're not rich... but I can see that you are rich Library Geek cause that Bentley is very "bling bling".


my first laptop, what can I say, it was a bargain on EBAY.