blade runner

blade runner

Friday, May 30, 2008

library thing

Here is my library thing site:

Volunteen time is almost here! We can't wait for the help.

Friday, May 23, 2008

RSS Feeds Excitement

I just learned about RSS Feeds and I am so stoked! Now I get to waste, I mean utilize my time in a more efficient manner. Instead of bookmarking all my favorite news sites (i.e. USA Today, NY Times, CNET, and Tulips Today, I get to have them all in one convenient space! Hopefully, I won't be so engrossed in them that my nails and hair won't grow to Howard Hughes length and I'll remember to check the outside world once in a while.
Howard Hughes, before he let himself go.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Videos Videos everywhere...

OK. I'm taking a stand. No youtube videos on librarygeektothestars! Why? Because this world is saturated with videos. Did you see the movie Blade Runner? Harrison Ford is running around a future Los Angeles and everywhere you look you see giant video screens* with ads and information for the pedestrians on the street. You can't escape them. You go to get some Chinese Take-out and what do you see? A big television. Go to any restaurant and instead of having a nice chat with your dinner companion you end up getting drawn into what's up on their 50" plasma. Give us a break. Soon when we're born they'll just implant the virtual screen chip in our brains and we'll be set for life. Sheesh.

* disclaimer - I just bought a 42 inch plasma tv and it rocks!

Sequels - Enough Already!

Ok. I admit it. I'm having a hissy fit. I just picked up a new Warriors sequel.* Let's get real. How can these authors continue to churn out book after book. Can't they come up with some new ideas? If they were filmmakers, they would be on Rocky 15! I just shelved the Saddle Club #66. I am beside myself. I'm going to sit down and take three deep breaths.

*disclaimer- I have not read any of the Warriors books.

Tech questions answered

Dear library geek,
Should I buy a laptop or a desktop? I rarely travel, and when I do I usually like to travel light. Am I better off buying a laptop as my main computer or should I stick with the tried and true desktop I'm used to? Thanks for all your insights in advance.
Confused in LA

Dear Confused in LA,
There has been much talk lately about the declining price of laptops. Many analysts feel that today with the tech specs of laptops being pretty close to desktops, there's no reason to buy a desktop anymore. Well, I beg to differ. My experience has been that though a laptop is great for toting around, it can't match what I call the comfort level; namely the screen and keyboard is much easier on the eyes and fingers. In other words, you're less likely to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome from constant use. Nuff said.

Why the name Library Geek to the stars?

OK. Stars have tech problems too. They are not gods. They also have Vista issues like the rest of us mortals. Let's get real and not be jealous of their wealth and fame. They need support like the rest of us. So... here at LibraryGeekTotheStars they can confidentially ask any tech questions that plague them while they are cruising on their yachts, jets, limos, whatever mode of transport they are using.... it matters not.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is a beautiful picture of Mt. Fiji. I sometimes mix the name up with Mt. Fuji. That's because I used to be "into" photography "big time" many years ago and Fuji was the name of a film you could buy. This is pre-digital era. I even had my own darkroom.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Some feelings about liftime learning - I am so excited I can't stand myself!


my first laptop, what can I say, it was a bargain on EBAY.