blade runner

blade runner

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Zoho Writer Excitement

Well. I think the whole concept is very exciting with the advent of online office software. Bill Gates is leaving Microsoft at a good time. People who needed a word processor or a spreadsheet always required Microsoft's cash cow, Office, can now access compatible FREE programs via the web. As usual with Microsoft, they are not the innovators they once were. (Don't get me started with the Vista debacle). With Apple and Linux making inroads into operating systems, and Zoho and Google Docs on the Office software front, they could be in for a few rough years. Like many analysts have been saying for years now, it's time for Bill Gates and company to rethink their strategy and start to get some fresh ideas before they are left in the dust.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

PBC library wiki thoughts, ramblings, and a dissertation included

I think the pbc library wiki needs some sprucing up. Or am I missing something? The front page is visually boring. You also can't tell if it is the PBC library wiki. Is it? I'm not sure and very confused. Maybe someone will comment and tell me if it is.

Interesting thoughts about interesting library wikis

Sherlock Holmes could be a good source to root out nasty wiki misinformation!

First of all, I do like the concept of wikis. Why, you might ask? Well, I'll tell you. I like the idea that you can go to Wikipedia and find out information without having to pay for an online encyclopedia. Let's face it, free is good. The problem with wikis would be the very possible mistakes and misinformation that you might get from them. Considering all the information that is on the web, and the fact that seasoned web surfers know how to cast a skeptical eye on anything they see on the web, I am not that concerned. Hopefully, someone learning to be a doctor or a nuclear plant worker won't use Wikipedia as a source for their information. Anyway, let's hope so.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Delicious Oh My!

OK... I admit it. I can't remember how many dots are in the social web site scrumptious. No, that is not a misprint. I'm ready to fire up my new site scrumptious. I just need ideas people. I need help. Won't you send me ideas so I can be rich and famous like the founders of or however you write it. By the way, see how my site has no dots! I am a genius of simplicity (no, not a simpleton). That's one reason people will be falling all over themselves to visit my website. Now, I'll wait patiently for your wonderful ideas. Let's collaborate and get going!

Web 2.0 Thoughts

I just read the Web 2.0 thoughts and it was very informative. I think I will comment on just a small portion of my reading because so much ground was covered. Let me see.... oh I know... let me pontificate on digital media and its future in the library. There have been many discussions about how DVDs and music CDs are heading the way of the dodo birds. Netflix allows you to stream about 10% of their library to your TV. No need to receive or send back those cute red envelopes anymore. As for music CD's, the writing has been on the wall for a while now.
So what is the library's stake in all this? Will we just download movies and music CDs from a future library web site and not need to set foot inside the library for these items? What about the new Kindle from Amazon? Are books going to be obsolete one day? Maybe we'll visit a virtual library on our computer and get everything we need. What do you think?


Technorati, the leading search tool and authority for blogs, over 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media are currently being tracked by the site. There are over 175,000 new blogs (that's just blogs) being created every day.

OK. I get it. This thing might be out of control. I was just getting excited about Blogs, maybe I could make my own blog, sell advertising on Google, retire and live in my choice of two or three homes spread around the globe. Jeesh. I guess it's getting a little too crowded for one person to stand out from the crowd and make his fortune. But this is the land of opportunity and if I work real hard and toil 24/7 on my blog, I too can make a mint and join the other people making oodles of money and build my McMansion too! After all, it's the American dream and I want mine.


my first laptop, what can I say, it was a bargain on EBAY.