blade runner

blade runner

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Technorati, the leading search tool and authority for blogs, over 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media are currently being tracked by the site. There are over 175,000 new blogs (that's just blogs) being created every day.

OK. I get it. This thing might be out of control. I was just getting excited about Blogs, maybe I could make my own blog, sell advertising on Google, retire and live in my choice of two or three homes spread around the globe. Jeesh. I guess it's getting a little too crowded for one person to stand out from the crowd and make his fortune. But this is the land of opportunity and if I work real hard and toil 24/7 on my blog, I too can make a mint and join the other people making oodles of money and build my McMansion too! After all, it's the American dream and I want mine.

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my first laptop, what can I say, it was a bargain on EBAY.