blade runner

blade runner

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Final 23 Things Post

Tears are rolling down my eyes. Is it really the end? I have thoroughly enjoyed this extravaganza called 23 Things. Kudos for the library staff who thought this up. I, an honorary geek, was amazed that I wasn't as tech savvy as I thought. I learned a lot. Yippee!
Well, time to go. Keep those cards and letters coming.
Your geek buddy,

Podcast mania

I have enjoyed the following podcasts:
NPR - The Prairie Home Companion
All things considered
Car Talk
Washington Week in Review

You Tube

I want my youtube. I don't want my youtube. Am I confused? Possibly. I have mixed feelings about it. Some youtube videos are funny. Some are interesting. Many are silly. Many are dumb. Sounds like life as usual on Planet Earth.

Slow down Overdrive... and get it right

I tried Overdrive a while back and I had techinical problems with it. I could play the books on Windows Media Player but it wouldn't work on my Sandisk. I'm thinking of trying it again.... maybe the tech issues are resolved. I will update this blog with my new thoughts soon. Stay tuned to this exciting blog entry.


my first laptop, what can I say, it was a bargain on EBAY.